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Think twice before you swat a fly or squash a bug:A newstudysays insects contribute more than $57 billion (euro47 billion)ayear to the U.S.economy.
And that is a very conservative estimate,said John Losey,aCornell University associate professor of entomology whoconductedthe study,published in the current issue of thejournalBioScience.
Most insects tirelessly perform ns that improve ourenvironmentand lives in ways that scientists are only beginningtounderstand,said Losey,who wrote the study with Mace Vaughanofthe Portland,Oregon-based Xerces Society forInvertebrateConservation.
There are more than 1 million named insect species _ andprobablyan equal number unidentified _ making them the mostabundant lifeform on the planet.
The study focused only on wild insects and did not count thevalueof commercially produced insect-derived products,such ashoney andsilk.
Lawrence Abrahamson,an entomologist at the State UniversityofNew York,agreed the $57 billion (euro47 billion) figureisconservative.
Most people think of insects and go yuck.They thinkaboutmosquitoes and flies.They dont realize just about everythinginlife is affected some way,somehow,by insects,he said.
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