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假如你是一位售货员,根据提示写一片描述你一天生活的文章,可以适当扩章.提示语:buy,sell,get up,
have breakfast,go to shop,have lunch,go home.( 英语写作)
"Lazybones, get up, lazybones, get up quickly, ... ...
The sky has just thrown fish-belly white, I get up early, why? Because today I will be a salesman! I eat breakfast, then put a clean sweep, the polished shiny bright, then the shelves of goods to tidy up a bit, waiting for customers to come.
After a while, an old man comes in, he want to buy a pair of warm shoes. " Grandpa, what size do you put on?" I asked. " I wear size 40." So, I take a pair of him. Grandpa tries, it fit him. but he said the gray is not good, for a pair of black. I get a little impatient, but said: "that`s good". Grandpa seemed to understands me, and turns to go. I think of my mother` words: treat people warm, polite. I quickly called grandpa:" what about it! Just really feel shy." Never mind. He was pleased to buy. Looking at the old grandpa, I realized that when a good credit but be really not easy!
Today the customer really many, someone buy tobacco, someone buy apron, I was very happy.
In the evening, I count money, did not expect today the harvest is not small! At the same time, I also realized that the father and mother is hard, also tasted the sweetness of serving the people!
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