早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
also have insomnia now,don't know why,last nights didn't sleep at
all,thought only about you,because was afraid to miss you,baby...now
feel better after your good words...I even can imagine that you are
near me,because really when I recieve a message from you I feel you
and your feelings,sweetie)
I'm rather often in myspace,because my work connected with internet
technologies...I'm using my notebooks for 14 hours a day maybe...I
need to have a conferences and speaches with many partners al over
the world...sometimes we use myspace,sometimes msn or other
messangers...myspace not often,but it's opened often in my
computer,because I always check for your messages,baby))wait you
so I need to sleep now,tomorrow will have very difficult day,but I
feel that you like me and feel more strong and po
also have insomnia now,don't know why,last nights didn't sleep at
all,thought only about you,because was afraid to miss you,baby...now
feel better after your good words...I even can imagine that you are
near me,because really when I recieve a message from you I feel you
and your feelings,sweetie)
I'm rather often in myspace,because my work connected with internet
technologies...I'm using my notebooks for 14 hours a day maybe...I
need to have a conferences and speaches with many partners al over
the world...sometimes we use myspace,sometimes msn or other
messangers...myspace not often,but it's opened often in my
computer,because I always check for your messages,baby))wait you
so I need to sleep now,tomorrow will have very difficult day,but I
feel that you like me and feel more strong and po
现在还是失眠,不知道为什么,这几个晚上都睡不着,就是想着你,因为害怕去想你,亲爱的…(大概吧…was afraid to miss you我不太会翻)看过你的信后我感觉好多了…我甚至可以想象你就在我身边,当我收到你的短消息我能和你有一样的感觉,亲爱的…
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