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Windows Mobile(简称WM),是 Microsoft 用于 Pocket PC 和 Smartphone 的软件平台.WM 将熟悉的 Windows 桌面扩展到了个人设备中.WM是微软为手持设备推出的“移动版Windows”,使用WM操作系统的设备主要有PPC手机、PDA、随身音乐播放器等.
S60,即Series 60.是诺基亚为Symbian系统开发的一个UI(用户界面),S60不是手机系统,而是一个基于Symbian系统的用户图形操作界面
SYMBIAN UIQ也是一种在SYMBIAN OS下的操作界面,使用这种操作界面的手机也是使用SYMBIAN系统
Android一词的本义指“机器人”,同时也是谷歌Google于2007年11月5日宣布的基于Linux平台的开源手机操作系统的名称,该平台由操作系统、中间件、用户界面和应用软件组成,是首个为移动终端打造的真正开放和完整的移动软件.代表品牌:HTC G1,G2.G3.索爱X3等
.Java,是由Sun Microsystems公司于1995年5月推出的Java程序设计语言和Java平台的总称.在手机上的实际体现就是游戏和网络应用,如UCWEB浏览器
Smartphone is a general term for mobile phones "which act like a personal computer, with an independent operating system that allows users to install application software and games published by third party service providers. By using these applications the mobile phone can not only continue to expand its functionality, but also connect to the wireless network through WiFi service providers."
In brief, a smartphone is simply a mobile phone that can expand its functionality beyond the basic built-in features from the manufacturer, by means of software download and installation just like a computer.
WM(short for Windows Mobile)is a software platform Microsoft developed for Pocket PC 和 Smartphone. WM expands the popular Windows desktop to include personal devices.WM is the mobile version of the "Windows”which Microsoft promotes for hand held devices,the devices that feature the WM operating system mainly include: PPC mobile phones、PDAs、and portable music players such as MP3/MP4 etc.
S60,(Series 60) is an UI(user interface)Nokia developed for the Symbian system. S60 is not a mobile phone system,but an icon user interface based on the Symbian system.

SYMBIAN UIQ is also an operational interface under SYMBIAN OS,all mobile phones that use this are also using the SYMBIAN OS.
The original meaning of the word Android is "robot", it is also the name of the Linux-based, open-architectured mobile phone operating system Goolgle announced on November 5, 2007. This platform, consisted of operating system、middleware、user interface and application software, is the first totally open and complete system software designed for mobile clients. Brands that feature Android include: HTC G1,G2,G3 and Sony-Ericsson X3, etc.

Java is an aggregate term used to describe the Java programming language and Java Platform introduced by Sun Microsystems in May 1995. Pratical features being applied on mobile phones include games and internet applications,such as the UCWEB browser.
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