早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


When I _1_ seven years old,we moved from a small town to a large city.The first thing mother taught my little sister and me _2_ our new address .She told us that if we _3_ lost in the street we should find a policeman and tell him our address.
One day father showed us how to go to a small park about three blocks away from our apartment.After that,we often went to the park to play on the slides and swings.
One morning,as we _4_ playing,some fire engines went dashing and clanging by.We liked to watch the fire engines,so we followed the crowd.The fire _5_ soon out .We started back to the park,but we could not find it.On and on we walked till we _6_ very tired.I remembered our address,but we did not see a policeman,and we _7_ taught not to speak to strangers.
My little sister grew sad.She began to say over and over in a sing-song voice,"I can't find my way home.Ican't find my way home."
Suddenly someone behind us said,"Where do you think you _8_ going?"It _9_ father!We _10_ just around the corner from our own apartment building!
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