早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
yeah | I never knew I’d find a love so true | This one right here, is just for you | Remember that One day | I held your hands then I kissed your lips then I told you | Our love was meant to be and always will forever | Give me that happiness I get from you just being there | I always see you when I close my eyes, you’re on my mind | So can’t you see, I need you right here wit me, close by my side | This time for sure, Gonna let you know, My love is straight from the heart | Forever you’re my girl Forever be my world | You are the only one | The only one I’ll ever need, my life is you and me | Forever you’re my girl Forever be my world | You are the only one | I’ll never break your heart “no”, so baby don’t let go | Even through the hard times | We made it through just fine | When it hurt we put in the work | To show that I’m yours | And that your mine | That’s how we got this far | Let’s never be apart |
yeah | I never knew I’d find a love so true | This one right here, is just for you | Remember that One day | I held your hands then I kissed your lips then I told you | Our love was meant to be and always will forever | Give me that happiness I get from you just being there | I always see you when I close my eyes, you’re on my mind | So can’t you see, I need you right here wit me, close by my side | This time for sure, Gonna let you know, My love is straight from the heart | Forever you’re my girl Forever be my world | You are the only one | The only one I’ll ever need, my life is you and me | Forever you’re my girl Forever be my world | You are the only one | I’ll never break your heart “no”, so baby don’t let go | Even through the hard times | We made it through just fine | When it hurt we put in the work | To show that I’m yours | And that your mine | That’s how we got this far | Let’s never be apart |
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