Hi there,
I'm 15 years old and I don't know what kind of career I should pursue. And I'm starting to worry about it.
My school is competitive. Competing with my classmates, I'm under great pressure. In order to get high grades, I have to try so hard that I feel very tired all the time. Gradually, I lose interest in study, and I even fall asleep when studying.
Is there anyone who has experienced the same kind of problem and is willing to help me?
Thank you!
Depressed Maggie
假定你是李华,最近你在一个国外的青少年网站里看到一个寻求帮助的帖子,内容如下:Hi there,
Hi there,,I'm 15 years old and I don't know what kind of career I should pursue. And I'm starting to worry about it.
I'm 15 years old and I don't know what kind of career I should pursue. And I'm starting to worry about it.My school is competitive. Competing with my classmates, I'm under great pressure. In order to get high grades, I have to try so hard that I feel very tired all the time. Gradually, I lose interest in study, and I even fall asleep when studying.
My school is competitive. Competing with my classmates, I'm under great pressure. In order to get high grades, I have to try so hard that I feel very tired all the time. Gradually, I lose interest in study, and I even fall asleep when studying., I'm under great pressure. In order to get high grades, I have to try so hard that I feel very tired all the time. Gradually, I lose interest in study, and I even fall asleep when studying. I'm under great pressure. In order to get high grades, I have to try so hard that I feel very tired all the time. Gradually, I lose interest in study, and I even fall asleep when studying., I have to try so hard that I feel very tired all the time. Gradually, I lose interest in study, and I even fall asleep when studying. I have to try so hard that I feel very tired all the time. Gradually, I lose interest in study, and I even fall asleep when studying., I lose interest in study, and I even fall asleep when studying. I lose interest in study, and I even fall asleep when studying., and I even fall asleep when studying. and I even fall asleep when studying.Is there anyone who has experienced the same kind of problem and is willing to help me?
Is there anyone who has experienced the same kind of problem and is willing to help me??Thank you!
Thank you!!Depressed Maggie
Depressed Maggie请你根据帖子的内容,写一篇英语短文进行回复。
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