早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.this has been my life .i have found_______(值得去生活)(worth)
2.the imformation____(已经被利用过了) and is no longer useful(make)
3._______(毫无疑问)the earth travels around the sun(doubt)
4.he______(高度评价了)her spoken english but he didn't like her writing(think)
5.the leader of the enemies tried to____(劝他投降),but he refused(persuade)
6._______(为了参加这个活动),the old man gave up his government position(take)
it worth living
has been made use of
It's no doubt that
thought highly of
persuade him to surrender
To take part in the activity
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