早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
An offer is something that someone says they will give you or do for you
The offer of talks with Moscow marks a significant change from the previous western position.
'I ought to reconsider her offer to move in,' he mused.
You can use supplies to refer to food,equipment,and other essential things that people need,especially when these are provided in large quantities.
What happens when food and gasoline supplies run low?
A supply of something is an amount of it which someone has or which is available for them to use
The brain requires a constant supply of oxygen.
An offer is something that someone says they will give you or do for you
The offer of talks with Moscow marks a significant change from the previous western position.
'I ought to reconsider her offer to move in,' he mused.
You can use supplies to refer to food,equipment,and other essential things that people need,especially when these are provided in large quantities.
What happens when food and gasoline supplies run low?
A supply of something is an amount of it which someone has or which is available for them to use
The brain requires a constant supply of oxygen.
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