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In current years,many universities are implementing a completely new English education trick known as "classfication education,which is demonstrated by the classfication of class according to english grades.Students who excel at English are picked out into several classes,the rest of ones go to another.All this lead to a concern in the society.As far as i am concerned ,there are various advantages and disadvantages over this kind of education means.The former are reflected the following points.first,it is greatly conductive to developing interest for students to learn English .Second,it is incredibly favorable for teachers to carry on teaching activity accordint to different English levels.Third,it will enhance the initiative and enthusiam of students .Eventually by the implementation of this means,the students potentical can be given full play and their studying attitudes can transformed from study for others to study all by themselves.
As to the disadvantages,there are quite a few to suggest.First and foremost,students whose english lever are not good enough are confronted with a sense of isolation and discrimination.
In the long run ,for this part of students ,the application of this policy doesnt play a role in promoting their effort to study English.And then,it is highly likely that teachers tend to play favorite with the classes with good grades and ignore the bad ones.Generally it goes against the principle of education equality for all students.
All things have two aspects,upward and downward .This sort of education means is not an exception.We can take advantage of the merits and remove the bad ones in the process of experiences.
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