早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
1.The customers always prefer debbie to me
2.Our office computers have broken down
3.Are you strong enough to carry the heavy box?
4.The Bird's Nest is bing enough to hold about 90,000 people.
5.you are the greatest in my mind(换成比较级)
1.The customers always prefer debbie to me
2.Our office computers have broken down
3.Are you strong enough to carry the heavy box?
4.The Bird's Nest is bing enough to hold about 90,000 people.
5.you are the greatest in my mind(换成比较级)
The customers always love Debbie more.
Our office computers have become worse.
The Bird's Nest can hold more than 90.000 people.
You are greater than others in my mind.
Our office computers have become worse.
The Bird's Nest can hold more than 90.000 people.
You are greater than others in my mind.
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