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音乐是一个美妙的字眼 它伴着我走过了将近15个春夏秋冬
小时候 我最喜欢听儿歌 那轻快的旋律可以让我情不自禁地跳动起来
渐渐地 我开始听流行音乐 我觉得很多流行音乐都很有内涵 它能让你的心一下子平静起来 或一下子高亢起来 它能轻而易举地改变你的心境
后来 我开始听外国的音乐 虽然有的不能听懂 但我却能从它的旋律中感受到作曲家的感情 我想 音乐是不分国界的
现在 我有时会听一些纯音乐 我觉得它们更能打动人心
我喜欢音乐 我喜欢一路都有音乐相陪的感觉 这样 纵然前方道路坎坷 也不会觉得孤单了
Music is a splendid wording it has been accompanying me to go by nearly 15 spring ,summer ,autumn and winter when one was young I I begin to listen to pop music I think that many pop music there is connotation it can make your heart all of a sudden calm or all of a sudden loud and sonorous all very much like to listen to children's rhyme that brisk melody being able to let me move up and down in the grip of passion most gradually get up it can change your state of mind in a breeze afterwards I start music listening to the foreign country being able to not understand though some but I can experience composer's affection in the melody from it but I Thinking of music is that I am able to listen to a little absolute music I think that they can touch popular feeling more now sometimes make no difference of national boundaries's I delight in music I am fond of It both music appearance accompany feel that this is me like this although the front road also can not feel lonly bumpily to music coming to realize all the way
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