早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
初二英语作文 - My Forgetful Tirp 速求,
A trip to the countryside
My parents and I will go to the countryside this Saturday morning.I'm very excited.We will visit the farm and walk around the countryside in the morning.We will feed the animals and my father will take the pictures of us.At noon,we will have a picnic on the ground near the river.So my mother will cook some food,like sandwiches,hamburgers and salad before this Saturday.After that we will play some games on the ground.Then we will go fishing.I enjoy fishing!
I'm looking forward to this exciting trip.I hope that we will have a good time.
My parents and I will go to the countryside this Saturday morning.I'm very excited.We will visit the farm and walk around the countryside in the morning.We will feed the animals and my father will take the pictures of us.At noon,we will have a picnic on the ground near the river.So my mother will cook some food,like sandwiches,hamburgers and salad before this Saturday.After that we will play some games on the ground.Then we will go fishing.I enjoy fishing!
I'm looking forward to this exciting trip.I hope that we will have a good time.
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