早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


英语,在需要的地方填上适当的冠词!( a.an .the./ )
1.Thomas Edison was one of _________ greatest inventors in __________ world.
2.Man is _________ only animal that can talk .
3.Is this house ________ older of the two
4.My parents always took me by ________ hand when I was very young.
5.I live in ________ northeast of China.
6._______ honest boy is Jim,________ friend of mine .
7.Children usually go to ________ school at _________age of seven.
8.Would you like _______ rice or ________ bread for your breakfast
9.________ poor are always happier than ________ rich.
1.the,the 2.the 3.the 4.the 5.the 6.The a 7./,the 8./,/ 9.The,the
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