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I had a nightmare yesterday.I dreamed that I was in a quiet street and I had no clue about where it was and I even didn't know where I was going.Then,all of a sudden,the ground where I was standing on broke and I fell off into the darkness.Then,with a horrible cry,I woke up from the miserable disaster.Oh!That turned out to be a dream!I took a deep breath and said to myself:Thank God that is over,I wish that kind of dream will never appear in my dreamland again in the future.
简单一些的:I had a happy dream yesterday.I dreamed that I got a birthday gift from my friend.After I opened it,I found it brought me to a very beautiful place.There were flowers and lovely animals.I was real excited to see them.But,then,I heard my mom's voice:"Get up ,honey!It is time to go to school!" It was all a good dream!"I wish I can still dream that place next time!" I said to myself.
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