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题目:Some people believe that visitors to other countries should follow local customs and behaviour.other disagree and think that the host country should welcome culture difference,discus s both these views and give your own opinion.
With the development of globalization, ordinary people have more chance to pay a visit to another country. Advantages come with disadvantages.There has been debated wether visitor should follow local customs and behaviours,As far as I am concerned, both sides are reasonable.
Following local customs and behavious will give visitors a really different experience and make visitors insight of local culture.I think it is big fun to visit a foreign country to be a foreigner.
Following local customs and behaviours express visitors' respects to local resisdents and visitors are more welcome. Just like you are visiting a friend's hourse ,you are decent when you obey host's appointments.
On the other hand,the host country should welcome cultural difference.Guests are innocence when dealing with same problem using their ways.
In conclusion, both of visitors and host countries have some inprovment in tourism.As visitors, we can gain funs and foreign culture knowledges by learning from locals;As host countries people,we also can lean culture difference form our visitor.
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