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求英语表达: ***(研究)领域上可包含***纯理论,下可有***应用, 中间主体又包括****
我的是: The soft matter physics(软物质物理) is a field with great potential with useful applications such as liquid crystal (液晶)and non-crystal materials at the bottom of the filed and pure theory like phase theory (相理论)and complex system theory (复杂系统)at the top of the realm. The main body of the field is a mixture of theoretic analysis, computer simulation and experiment. 关键是老外一般用不用top 和bottom形容理论和应用? 用上面的句型表达地道吗?
我的是: The soft matter physics(软物质物理) is a field with great potential with useful applications such as liquid crystal (液晶)and non-crystal materials at the bottom of the filed and pure theory like phase theory (相理论)and complex system theory (复杂系统)at the top of the realm. The main body of the field is a mixture of theoretic analysis, computer simulation and experiment. 关键是老外一般用不用top 和bottom形容理论和应用? 用上面的句型表达地道吗?
The field of soft matter physics has great potential for new discoveries,with useful applications such as liquid crystal and non-crystalline materials at one end of the topics and pure theories such as the phase theory and the complex system theory at the other end.Connecting these diverse topics is a large body of research utilizing the combination of theoretical analysis,computer simulation and experimentation.
The field of soft matter physics has great potential for new discoveries,with useful applications such as liquid crystal and non-crystalline materials at one end of the topics and pure theories such as the phase theory and the complex system theory at the other end.Connecting these diverse topics is a large body of research utilizing the combination of theoretical analysis,computer simulation and experimentation.
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