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Hope is good thing, and good things never die. At the same time, good habit is good thing, since good things never die, once formed and maintained, good habit never fades away, it brings in return good body, good spirit and good knowledge.
I am used to reading English for one hour at least every day, reciting the passages and memorizing the words and phrases, I could speak and write in influent English now, and more than a second language, it’s penentrating everywhere in my life, it's life partner;
I am used to doing exercizes, playing basketball, running, fast-walking, playing badminton, tennis and so on, I have a sound body now, seldom grasped by flus or fevers, thanks to this good habit, besides, I have made acquaintaince with some other people who are doing with the same habit, we talk and learn from each other and make our life large and enriched.
I am used to….
I have a lot of habits which could be named as good, and I do love them and could keep on as besides health, they could bring me something else like friends, fortune and happiness.
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