早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享



Kong Zi also called Confucius (551—479B.C.) and\\x0dSocrates(苏格拉底) (469—399 B.C.) lived only a hundred years\\x0dapart and during their lifetimes there was no contact between China and\\x0dGreece but it is interesting to look at how the world that each of these great\\x0dphilosophers came from shaped their ideas and how these ideas in turn shaped\\x0dtheir societies.


Neither philosopher lived in times of peace though\\x0dthere were more wars in Greece than in China. The Chinese states were very\\x0dlarge and feudal while the Greek city-states were small and urban. The urban environment\\x0din which Socrates lived allowed him to be more radical (激进的) than Confucius. Unlike Confucius Socrates\\x0dwas not asked by rulers how to govern effectively. Thus Socrates was able to\\x0dbe more idealistic focusing on issues like freedom and knowledge for its own\\x0dsake. Confucius on the other hand advised those in government service and\\x0dmany of his students went out to government service.


Confucius suggested the Golden Rule as a principle for\\x0dthe conduct of life: "Do not do to others what you would not want others\\x0dto do to you." He assumed that all men were equal at birth though some had\\x0dmore potential than others and that it was knowledge that set men apart.\\x0dSocrates focused on the individual and thought that the greatest purpose of\\x0dman was to seek wisdom. He believed that the superior class should rule the inferior\\x0d(下层的) classes.


For Socrates the family was of no importance and the\\x0dcommunity of little concern. For Confucius however the family was the centre\\x0dof the society with family relations considered much more important than\\x0dpolitical relations.


Both men are respected much more today than they were\\x0din their lifetimes.


1.Which\\x0dof the following is TURE according to the first paragraph?


A. Socrates and Confucius had much in common


B. Confucius had much influence on Socrates’ ideas.


C. The societies were influenced by the philosophers’\\x0dideas.


D. There were cultural exchanges between China and\\x0dGreece.


2.Socrates\\x0dshared with Confucius the idea that ________.


A. all men were equal when they were born


B. the lower classed should be ruled by the upper\\x0dclass


C. the purpose of man was to seek freedom and wisdom


3.What\\x0dmade some people different from others according to Confucius?


A. Family.       B. Potential.    \\x0dC. Knowledge.       D. Community.


4.This\\x0dpassage is organized in the pattern of ________.


A. time and\\x0devents         B. comparison and\\x0dcontrast


C. cause and\\x0deffect         D. definition and\\x0dclassification




Kong Zi also called Confucius (551—479B.C.) and\\x0dSocrates(苏格拉底) (469—399 B.C.) lived only a hundred years\\x0dapart and during their lifetimes there was no contact between China and\\x0dGreece but it is interesting to look at how the world that each of these great\\x0dphilosophers came from shaped their ideas and how these ideas in turn shaped\\x0dtheir societies.


Neither philosopher lived in times of peace though\\x0dthere were more wars in Greece than in China. The Chinese states were very\\x0dlarge and feudal while the Greek city-states were small and urban. The urban environment\\x0din which Socrates lived allowed him to be more radical (激进的) than Confucius. Unlike Confucius Socrates\\x0dwas not asked by rulers how to govern effectively. Thus Socrates was able to\\x0dbe more idealistic focusing on issues like freedom and knowledge for its own\\x0dsake. Confucius on the other hand advised those in government service and\\x0dmany of his students went out to government service.


Confucius suggested the Golden Rule as a principle for\\x0dthe conduct of life: "Do not do to others what you would not want others\\x0dto do to you." He assumed that all men were equal at birth though some had\\x0dmore potential than others and that it was knowledge that set men apart.\\x0dSocrates focused on the individual and thought that the greatest purpose of\\x0dman was to seek wisdom. He believed that the superior class should rule the inferior\\x0d(下层的) classes.


For Socrates the family was of no importance and the\\x0dcommunity of little concern. For Confucius however the family was the centre\\x0dof the society with family relations considered much more important than\\x0dpolitical relations.


Both men are respected much more today than they were\\x0din their lifetimes.


1.Which\\x0dof the following is TURE according to the first paragraph?


A. Socrates and Confucius had much in common


B. Confucius had much influence on Socrates’ ideas.


C. The societies were influenced by the philosophers’\\x0dideas.


D. There were cultural exchanges between China and\\x0dGreece.


2.Socrates\\x0dshared with Confucius the idea that ________.


A. all men were equal when they were born


B. the lower classed should be ruled by the upper\\x0dclass


C. the purpose of man was to seek freedom and wisdom


3.What\\x0dmade some people different from others according to Confucius?


A. Family.       B. Potential.    \\x0dC. Knowledge.       D. Community.


4.This\\x0dpassage is organized in the pattern of ________.


A. time and\\x0devents         B. comparison and\\x0dcontrast


C. cause and\\x0deffect         D. definition and\\x0dclassification




Kong Zi also called Confucius (551—479B.C.) and\\x0dSocrates(苏格拉底) (469—399 B.C.) lived only a hundred years\\x0dapart and during their lifetimes there was no contact between China and\\x0dGreece but it is interesting to look at how the world that each of these great\\x0dphilosophers came from shaped their ideas and how these ideas in turn shaped\\x0dtheir societies.

Neither philosopher lived in times of peace though\\x0dthere were more wars in Greece than in China. The Chinese states were very\\x0dlarge and feudal while the Greek city-states were small and urban. The urban environment\\x0din which Socrates lived allowed him to be more radical (激进的) than Confucius. Unlike Confucius Socrates\\x0dwas not asked by rulers how to govern effectively. Thus Socrates was able to\\x0dbe more idealistic focusing on issues like freedom and knowledge for its own\\x0dsake. Confucius on the other hand advised those in government service and\\x0dmany of his students went out to government service.

Confucius suggested the Golden Rule as a principle for\\x0dthe conduct of life: "Do not do to others what you would not want others\\x0dto do to you." He assumed that all men were equal at birth though some had\\x0dmore potential than others and that it was knowledge that set men apart.\\x0dSocrates focused on the individual and thought that the greatest purpose of\\x0dman was to seek wisdom. He believed that the superior class should rule the inferior\\x0d(下层的) classes.

For Socrates the family was of no importance and the\\x0dcommunity of little concern. For Confucius however the family was the centre\\x0dof the society with family relations considered much more important than\\x0dpolitical relations.

Both men are respected much more today than they were\\x0din their lifetimes.

1.Which\\x0dof the following is TURE according to the first paragraph?

A. Socrates and Confucius had much in common

B. Confucius had much influence on Socrates’ ideas.

C. The societies were influenced by the philosophers’\\x0dideas.

D. There were cultural exchanges between China and\\x0dGreece.

2.Socrates\\x0dshared with Confucius the idea that ________.

A. all men were equal when they were born

B. the lower classed should be ruled by the upper\\x0dclass

C. the purpose of man was to seek freedom and wisdom

3.What\\x0dmade some people different from others according to Confucius?

A. Family.       B. Potential.    \\x0dC. Knowledge.       D. Community.

4.This\\x0dpassage is organized in the pattern of ________.

A. time and\\x0devents         B. comparison and\\x0dcontrast

C. cause and\\x0deffect         D. definition and\\x0dclassification


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