早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
7:05.8:15.9:30.20:45.16:40 .13:50.21:55
如It's five past seven in the morning.
7:05.8:15.9:30.20:45.16:40 .13:50.21:55
如It's five past seven in the morning.
7:05 It's five past seven in the morning.
8:15 It's a quarter past eight in the morning.
9:30 It's half past nine in the morning.
20:45 It's a quarter to nine in the evening.
16:40 It's twenty to five in the afternoon.
13:50 It's ten to two in the afternoon.
21:55 It's five to ten in the evening.
3:25 It's three twenty-five at wee hours.
18:25 It's six twenty-five in the evening.
20:35 It's eight thirty-five in the evening.
8:15 It's a quarter past eight in the morning.
9:30 It's half past nine in the morning.
20:45 It's a quarter to nine in the evening.
16:40 It's twenty to five in the afternoon.
13:50 It's ten to two in the afternoon.
21:55 It's five to ten in the evening.
3:25 It's three twenty-five at wee hours.
18:25 It's six twenty-five in the evening.
20:35 It's eight thirty-five in the evening.
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