早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
英语阅读理解!...the products might make them look or perform like one. 其中one是指?
Children often see these people as role models and therefore feel that the products they endorse must be good. The underlying message to children - aside from 'buy this product' - is that eating these products can make them a celebrity or athlete, or give them the false belief that the products might make them look or perform like [one].
What does the bracketed word 'one' refer to?
one' refer to celebrity or athlete. 对吗?
Children often see these people as role models and therefore feel that the products they endorse must be good. The underlying message to children - aside from 'buy this product' - is that eating these products can make them a celebrity or athlete, or give them the false belief that the products might make them look or perform like [one].
What does the bracketed word 'one' refer to?
one' refer to celebrity or athlete. 对吗?
对.这里的这个 one 就是指代前文中的 “a celebrity or athlete".
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