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1 A rapid and sensitive method,based on liquid chromatography,has been developed for determination of metoclopramide concentrations in plasma and urine samples.Concentrations down to 15 nmol/1 (5 ng/ml) of plasma and 100 nmol/1 (30 ng/ml) of urine could be determined with a relative standard deviation of less than or equal to 10%.The method was used to study disposition of metoclopramide in healthy volunteers following single doses intravenously and orally as aqueous solution and a slow release tablet.2 The initial distribution after intravenous administration was very rapid.The elimination half-life postdistribution was 4.9 h.The apparent volume of distribution,Vd,was 3.0 1/kg body weight.On average 19% was excreted unchanged after intravenous administration of 5 and 10 mg (15 and 30 mumol) of drug.The rate of absorption of metoclopramide was delayed after administration of a slow release tablet and the maximum plasma concentration was about 50% lower than after a solution.The extent of bioavailability was the same following the two different formulations suggesting a first-pass elimination of 25-40%
1. 一种基于液体层析法(或液体色谱法)的快速且灵敏的检测方法已被开发出来,用于测定血浆样品和尿样中的甲氧氯普胺”胃复安“浓度. 最低只需血浆内浓度15纳摩尔每升(5纳克每毫升)或尿样内浓度 100纳摩尔每升(30纳克每毫升)就可被测出,相对标准差小于等于10%.这种技术用于研究甲氧氯普胺”胃复安“在健康受测者体内分布( disposition到底是分解还是分布?) 情况,依同等剂量的口服水溶液、缓释片剂、或静脉滴注不同给药方式作分析比较.
2. (distribution 是 分解还是分布?)静脉滴注用药后”初始分布“很快,分布消除半衰期为4.9小时.表观分布容积Vd 为3.01每千克体重.静脉滴注5毫克或10毫克(即15微摩尔或30微摩尔)剂量时,平均19%的剂量以原样排出.在缓释片剂情况下,药物吸收速率有所延迟,最大血浆药量浓度大约比口服溶剂要低50%(不符合中文语法,不能说低多少百分比,您能理解的喽!)生物利用度(表示药物吸收进入体循环的份量)两种不同配方下都是相等的,结果显示本药首过消除量为25%至40%
I respect physicians and pharmaceutists!
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