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希望能得到点评!附上一篇口语内容 题目是你最讨厌的人是 也希望能得到批评与指导,thank you!
Do you think can you propagate my nation by propagate movie?
I think propagate my nation is a very important event.We need to know three things .At first ,how do foreigner think is my nation If the result that my nation is beautiful and rich place .There peoply are friendly ,polite and rich.So we are very happy .But we can not be proud of this.We need to continue .If the result is bad.I must do soem research .At second ,what do you do any research Why some foreigners do not think like I think Because we do not so good or our good characters are not know.If the before ,i need to hard work .If the later ,I must propagate by something.At third ,how to propagate Make movie or others .We must know why some foreigner think my nation are good from where If some foreigner do not know at all.We can propagate by movie .If some foreigners do not think my nation good because some is not a good way .
So I think propagate movie is not propagate my nation only way .
My most hatest people
I think my most hatest peoples charavters are unhonest,not kind and sorough.why I dislike people like rough .Because Be rough people maybe can not respect anyone .They can not want to harm anyone ,but hurt easily .For example ,I heard a news from a newspaper .The news sads that a girl have a very rough father.Lately from a agreement ,the girl gave up her life .So I am very afraid of rough peole.
希望能得到点评!附上一篇口语内容 题目是你最讨厌的人是 也希望能得到批评与指导,thank you!
Do you think can you propagate my nation by propagate movie?
I think propagate my nation is a very important event.We need to know three things .At first ,how do foreigner think is my nation If the result that my nation is beautiful and rich place .There peoply are friendly ,polite and rich.So we are very happy .But we can not be proud of this.We need to continue .If the result is bad.I must do soem research .At second ,what do you do any research Why some foreigners do not think like I think Because we do not so good or our good characters are not know.If the before ,i need to hard work .If the later ,I must propagate by something.At third ,how to propagate Make movie or others .We must know why some foreigner think my nation are good from where If some foreigner do not know at all.We can propagate by movie .If some foreigners do not think my nation good because some is not a good way .
So I think propagate movie is not propagate my nation only way .
My most hatest people
I think my most hatest peoples charavters are unhonest,not kind and sorough.why I dislike people like rough .Because Be rough people maybe can not respect anyone .They can not want to harm anyone ,but hurt easily .For example ,I heard a news from a newspaper .The news sads that a girl have a very rough father.Lately from a agreement ,the girl gave up her life .So I am very afraid of rough peole.
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