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The Hudson River School encompasses two generations of painters inspired by Thomas Cole’s awesomely Romantic images of America’s wilderness in the Hudson River Valley and also in the newly opened West.The Hudson River painters,the first coherent school of American art,helped to shape the themes of the American landscape.Beginning with the works of Thomas Cole (1801-1848) and Asher B.Durand (1796-1886) and evolving into the Luminist and late Romantic schools,landscape painting was the prevalent genre of 19th century American art.
托马斯·科尔创作了众多描绘哈德逊河和新开垦西部景色的浪漫主义美国自然风景画杰作,是哈德逊河画派的奠基人.作为美国本土首个自成体系的自然风景画派,哈德逊画派孕育了两代画家.该画派初期以托马斯·科尔 (1801-1848) 和阿舍·布朗·杜兰德 (1796-1886) 为代表,后衍生出彩光画派和后浪漫主义画派,使风景画在二十世纪美国画坛风靡一时.