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1____1900 2____fewer than 3,000 motor cars on the roads in France. Motorists bought their petrol at 3____. The Michelin bothers, 4____made tyres, decided that some sort of guidance 5____to be made available to those motorists when motoring away from home, 6____where 7____to buy petrol, 8____, to stay the night or to 9____a telephone call and so on. They also realized that motorists would like 10____obtain 11____about the best roads to take and 12____on the way. So one of the brothers compiled the first Guide. It was 13____smaller than the present edition. It had nearly 400 pages, almost 14____were devoted to technical matters and advice on mechanical problems and laws relating to motoring, 15____were equivalent to the modern Highway Code 16____that time. Michelin had the book printed and gave 17____to garage owners, who in return distributed it to 18____customers. 19____there are Michelin Guides for several European countries and restaurant owners hope the Michelin inspectors will think their restaurants 20____for inclusion in one of them.
A. At B. On C. In D. For
A. there were B. they were C. it was D. there was
A. the grocers B. the grocer’s C. the groceries D. the grocer shop
A. who B. whichC. whatD. that
A. should B. must C. oughtD. had better
A. so they would knowB. so they would be knowingC. for knowingD. that they know
A. they were going B. to goC. can they go D. they can go
A. to repair their cars B. for getting their cars repaired C. to get repaired their cars D. to get their cars repaired
A. put B. send C. do D. make
A. to be able to B. to can C. that they were able to D. that they could
A. some information B. an information C. one information D. some informations
A. what was the surface likeB. what the surface was like C. how was the surfaceD. how the surface was
A. ratherB. quite C. fairly D. a few
A. half of which B. half of themC. the half of which D. the half of them
A. they B. that C. which D. what
A. inB. at C. onD. while
A. it up B. up it C. it away D. away it
A. his B. its C. their D. theirs
A. In our days B. Those daysC. On the present time D. Nowadays
A. so good B. too goodC. good enoughD. enough good
James Joyce’s novels are difficult to understand and impossible_________into another language.
A. to translate B. for translation C. to translate it D. being translated
John remarked after the meeting that the speaker was a woman of ______ wit.
A. emotional B. accurate C. sensitive D. exceptional But for her mother’s sudden illness, she would never think of breaking this ____with you.
A. arrangement B. schedule C. appointment D. interview
At such a time of crisis, we must try to ________all differences of party or class and stick together.
A. set forth B. set backC. set downD. set aside
As a cleaning woman, her __________duties include cleaning the desks and mopping the floor.
A. continuous B. routine C. initialD. constant
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