早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
1.What is the major gas emitted when fossil fuels are burned,and what impact does it have on the atmosphere?
2.How does the combustion of fossil fuels affect Earth’s carbon cycle?
3.What is flue gas?What harmful substances does it contain,and what is one way we can make it less harmful?
4.Some people argue that we can prevent the environmental harm caused by burning fossil fuels if we burn modern plant material instead of fossil fuels derived from ancient organisms.They say this would add no new carbon to Earth’s atmosphere and would not disrupt the carbon cycle.Can you think why this might be true?
1.What is the major gas emitted when fossil fuels are burned,and what impact does it have on the atmosphere?
2.How does the combustion of fossil fuels affect Earth’s carbon cycle?
3.What is flue gas?What harmful substances does it contain,and what is one way we can make it less harmful?
4.Some people argue that we can prevent the environmental harm caused by burning fossil fuels if we burn modern plant material instead of fossil fuels derived from ancient organisms.They say this would add no new carbon to Earth’s atmosphere and would not disrupt the carbon cycle.Can you think why this might be true?
1.When fossil fuels are burned,it will produce co2 and H20.The impaction of water in the atmosphere is very small,but carbon dioxide can absorb ultraviolet ray,so and then accelerate the greenhouse effection
2.Fossil fuels buried under the ground contain voluminous C,which can be released into the atmosphere by combustion ,and then it makes the concentration of carbon dioxide
increasing in the atmosphere for a short time measured in geological period
3.The principal component of gas is CH4,which can lead to more serious greenhouse effection than CO2,one of the best way is preventing gas from leaking and completely combusted
4.Judged from the point of view of circulation,the arguement is right.But it would be ture just based on the facts that burning modern plant materials would meet the needs of the earth people,if not,it is just a paradox imaging.
2.Fossil fuels buried under the ground contain voluminous C,which can be released into the atmosphere by combustion ,and then it makes the concentration of carbon dioxide
increasing in the atmosphere for a short time measured in geological period
3.The principal component of gas is CH4,which can lead to more serious greenhouse effection than CO2,one of the best way is preventing gas from leaking and completely combusted
4.Judged from the point of view of circulation,the arguement is right.But it would be ture just based on the facts that burning modern plant materials would meet the needs of the earth people,if not,it is just a paradox imaging.
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