早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
I'm a person who truly tries to enjoy life.I would rather be busy doing something rather than doing nothing.I'm high energy,and am one of those people who will try anything (almost) once.I have been to a lot of places and I have seen a lot and I discovered that life is not a game of half measures.
请问最后一句中的"life is not a game of half measures"是什么意思?
I'm a person who truly tries to enjoy life.I would rather be busy doing something rather than doing nothing.I'm high energy,and am one of those people who will try anything (almost) once.I have been to a lot of places and I have seen a lot and I discovered that life is not a game of half measures.
请问最后一句中的"life is not a game of half measures"是什么意思?
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