早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
1 故宫是最著名的景点之一,在那里可以了解到中国的历史和文化
2 颐和园非常漂亮,有一个很大的湖,在那里可以划船
3 长城历史悠久,是值得一去得好地方.
1 故宫是最著名的景点之一,在那里可以了解到中国的历史和文化
2 颐和园非常漂亮,有一个很大的湖,在那里可以划船
3 长城历史悠久,是值得一去得好地方.
Beijing is one of the biggest cities in China.There are lots of places of interest,such as the Palace Museum,the Summer Palace,and the Great Wall……welcome you to visit Beijing.
when you come to the summer palace,people will spend four hours if they want to travel around it.All the things in it are very nice.Although they were made more than 500 years ago,they look very beautiful.When we were in Taibe Palace,we saw a special chair.It was for the emperor and it was made of gold.Each of the visitors said,"it is really nice," after they visited the Palace Museum.When you go to the Great Wall,I was very excited because it is the most famous place of interest in China.On the way to the top of the Great Wall,I ran very fast all the time.When I was at the top of the Great Wall,I thought I was a hero!T I believe Beijing will be the best city in the world in the future.you will be satisfistied with it.
when you come to the summer palace,people will spend four hours if they want to travel around it.All the things in it are very nice.Although they were made more than 500 years ago,they look very beautiful.When we were in Taibe Palace,we saw a special chair.It was for the emperor and it was made of gold.Each of the visitors said,"it is really nice," after they visited the Palace Museum.When you go to the Great Wall,I was very excited because it is the most famous place of interest in China.On the way to the top of the Great Wall,I ran very fast all the time.When I was at the top of the Great Wall,I thought I was a hero!T I believe Beijing will be the best city in the world in the future.you will be satisfistied with it.
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