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Shame of the elders abandoned by family
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A 71-year-old Hindu-Indian says he has constantly thought of ending his life after his son and daughter-in-law moved to Australia with his 15-year-old grandson earlier this year.
Mr K Siva,a former street food hawker from Malaysia,thought he would get to live "the perfect life" when his son sponsored his immigration to New Zealand.
But since moving here life for the widower has revolved around looking after and cooking for his grandson,who was 9 when he first arrived in Auckland six years ago.
The son's family moved to Australia in January,and that was the last time Mr Siva had seen or heard from them.
"How could they do such a thing to me ...I am totally shocked.It is so shameful," Mr Siva said.
"I can't even tell anyone what happened because it will just show that I have failed in raising my son correctly."
Auckland Hindu community leader Pravin Patel said some elderly Indian grandparents were being sponsored to become permanent residents in New Zealand by their children only to be used as nannies and babysitters - and were "practically abandoned" when their "services" were no longer needed.
Mr Patel said many were "severely depressed" but were too embarrassed and reluctant to seek help.
"Disrespecting our elders totally goes against the teachings of Hinduism or the Indian culture,but it is happening and it is absolutely shameful," said Mr Patel,60,patron of the Hindu Elders Foundation.
还有个问题:这里的patron 是如何理解?