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To his right stretched meadows all golden with the flowering ofthe buttercup(毛莨); and cattle,knee-deep(深及膝的)in the feathery foliage(叶子),grazed(吃草)contentedly,or stood in the shallows of the river to drink,breathingout long soft breaths of kine(母牛)-fragrance.Between the fields stood elms(榆树),stalwart(坚定的;健壮的)towers of innumerable leaf,and a little way below the redroofs of Pangbourne nestled(安顿,依偎) among red and white flowering thorns(刺,荆棘).Onesuch tree,a cascade of(一连串的)crimson blossom,grew near the river brink,andPhilip paused on his oars(桨) a moment as he passed,for the sprays ofcolour were outlined by the vivid blue of the sky,and on either sidestretched the incredible gold of the buttercups.

他右手伸草地全部黄金与开花的毛茛(毛莨);和牛,膝盖深(深及膝的)在毛的叶子(叶子),放牧(吃草)心满意足,或站在河的浅滩喝,breathingout细长的软的呼吸(母牛)-香水.之间的域站榆树(榆树),坚定(坚定的;健壮的)无数叶塔,和一个小的方式下的redroofs Pangbourne坐落(安顿,依偎)在红色和白色的花刺(刺,荆棘).以树,级联(一连串的)红色花,长河附近的边缘,与菲利普停在他的桨(桨)的一刹那,他通过,为喷色的天空的生动的蓝色概述,和上的侧延伸毛茛难以置信的黄金.