早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
根据下面表格的内容,请以My picnic为题,写一篇60 ---70词的短文
picnic plan
Time (Sunday Drinks milk,water,juice) Place(My uncle's farm,Food ,bread eggs fish) people(Peter Jenny John Mary,other things(别的东西),kites guitar)
picnic plan
Time (Sunday Drinks milk,water,juice) Place(My uncle's farm,Food ,bread eggs fish) people(Peter Jenny John Mary,other things(别的东西),kites guitar)
My picnic
For this sunday,I have this nicest thing planned.We will go to my uncle's farm and have a picnic.Is that not wonderful?I have already done the grossery for food and I am going to bake a loaf of bread myself,make some scrambled eggs.Some fish and chips will be nice as well I suppose.
I have invited Peter,Jenny,John and his girlfriend Mary and Kite is going to bring his guitar.I am absolutely sure that the whole plan will be a big success.
我只写了个简单小故事 不知道你要的是一个invitation还是什么的?不喜欢在追问我
For this sunday,I have this nicest thing planned.We will go to my uncle's farm and have a picnic.Is that not wonderful?I have already done the grossery for food and I am going to bake a loaf of bread myself,make some scrambled eggs.Some fish and chips will be nice as well I suppose.
I have invited Peter,Jenny,John and his girlfriend Mary and Kite is going to bring his guitar.I am absolutely sure that the whole plan will be a big success.
我只写了个简单小故事 不知道你要的是一个invitation还是什么的?不喜欢在追问我
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