早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.It was very late.Her friends put her up for the night.
2.He read the book again.He discovered that he had missed a lot in his first reading.
3.He was very tired.He slept through the alarm.
例:Frightened by the noise in the night,the girl didn`t dare to sleep in her own room.(as)
As she was frightened by the noise in the night ,the girl didn`t dare to sleep in her own room.
1.Trained by the famous coach,the driver won the champion in the Olympic Games.(as)
2.Taught by an experienced teacher,the girl is making rapid progress in English.(since)
3.Helped by her patient teacher,she is catching up with her classmates.(as)
4.Given mote time,i could do still better.(if)
5.Seen at the top of the mountain,the whole city is surrounded by heavy smoke.(if)
6.Taken in time,the medicine will be very effective.(if)

Her friends put her up for the night because it was very late.

He read the book again because he discovered.
He slept through the alarm because he was.

As he was trained by the famous coach,the driver.
Since she was trained by an experienced teacher,the girl.
As she was helped by her patient teacher,she.
If I was given more time,I .
If the city is seen at the top of the mountain,it.
If the medicine is taken in time,it will...
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