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你的生日在什么时候?英语短文 40字
你的生日在什么时候?英语短文 40字
Hello,yesterday afternoon I met one of your friends.He told me that they would have a birthday party for you,and asked me to come to your party.I am evry glad to hear that.But I forgot when your birthday is.Would you let me know it?Thanks.I will go to your birthday party with my girlfriend together.And I am sure your bithday party will be successful and we will have a good time at the party.See you soon.
Hello,yesterday afternoon I met one of your friends.He told me that they would have a birthday party for you,and asked me to come to your party.I am evry glad to hear that.But I forgot when your birthday is.Would you let me know it?Thanks.I will go to your birthday party with my girlfriend together.And I am sure your bithday party will be successful and we will have a good time at the party.See you soon.
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