早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
1.Who do professional athletes have on the sidelines to check them when they are injured?
2.What do many players do when they have a concussion?
3.What is an example of a contact sport?
4.What happened to Max Conrad?Explain
1.Who do professional athletes have on the sidelines to check them when they are injured?
2.What do many players do when they have a concussion?
3.What is an example of a contact sport?
4.What happened to Max Conrad?Explain
1.Professional athletes have trainers and doctors on the sidelines to check them when they are injured.
2.Many players will keep on playing when they have a concussion.
3.Example of a contact sport are hockey and football.
4.Max Conrad was in a coma for two month and suffered Second Impact Syndrome.
2.Many players will keep on playing when they have a concussion.
3.Example of a contact sport are hockey and football.
4.Max Conrad was in a coma for two month and suffered Second Impact Syndrome.
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