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Convolution code is a kind of very good channel coding,and code is another categories corresponding coding,convolution code block codes and the difference in the encoder is a memory.
Convolution code of decoding algorithm can be divided into algebraic decode and decoding,based on the probability of algebraic structures,algebraic decode sequences decoding and decoding probability there than victor decode.
In this thesis,according to the order relation of the encoder,the coding convolution code with victor than decoding algorithm realization of convolution code.Victor than decoding algorithm using the maximum likelihood algorithm can achieve the best,the size of the computation of ber completely also can be accepted.Victor than decoding algorithm through comparing various branch of path stipulated time,get the demand and then decodes survived path in the end,choose one of the shortest path that survived the corresponding coding output.
This paper is a given using VC coding scheme of convolution code coding and decoding than victor.Examples of add random noise to verify the error decoding algorithm,victor than ability.
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