早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
foremost,the intention of mimicry is to draw attention to yourself.this is usually achieved,but not always,by advetising your presence with bright colours and is known as aposematism.(这一句不用翻译,给个语境,讲蝴蝶保护色的)
these bright colour are probably easier for predators to learn and therefore likely reduce the number of casalties necessary before the predator learns the pattern to avoid and providing the mimic with protection
butterflies protect themselves by aposematism
foremost,the intention of mimicry is to draw attention to yourself.this is usually achieved,but not always,by advetising your presence with bright colours and is known as aposematism.(这一句不用翻译,给个语境,讲蝴蝶保护色的)
these bright colour are probably easier for predators to learn and therefore likely reduce the number of casalties necessary before the predator learns the pattern to avoid and providing the mimic with protection
butterflies protect themselves by aposematism
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