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①playing chess
after finishing my homework,i played chess with my father.this was a regular game ang i would play at weekends.
i learned to play chess from my father several months ago.i was almost at the same level with him mow through my hard study and practice.today,in the first game,i lost,because i wanted to win quicklyand did not think carefully.in the second game,ilearned the lesson from the games,because a small mistake would affect the result of the game.i faced the danger calmly and kept cool-headed all the time.of coure,it was i who won the game at last.
②the snow fighting
it was snowing hard.when i went out of my house,my friends had already been in the street.they were playing with snow.i like snow very much,and i like to play with it,too.so i joined them at once.suddenly,one of them shouted," let's play snowball fighting," at once all of us were divided into two groups and began to fight.some were busy making snowballs while others were throwing balls to the other side.suddenly,a big snowball hit me on the face.i was frighting and we all laughed.how happy we were!i hope there would be another snow.
③i want to be an inventor
china is a developing country.so i want to be a famous inventor one day.i would like to try out many new ideas and make many machines.these machines are very useful.for people,they are used to do a lot of things.for example,the machines will be used to cut down something and put them into a big bag.they can also be used to make new machines .i know if i want to be an inventor,i must have much knowledge.so now,i must study hard,and do many things all by myself.i am sure that china will be a developed country.tomorrow of china will be more beautiful.
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