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英语作文 假设你和你的父母明天要去旅行,你到李明家去请他帮忙,可是他不在家,请你给他留言,请
英语作文 假设你和你的父母明天要去旅行,你到李明家去请他帮忙,可是他不在家,请你给他留言,请他帮你做以下几件事请:1.喂狗,一天两次2.喂金鱼,并且别忘了给金鱼换水3.喂猫,并且不要让猫把金鱼吃掉
英语作文 假设你和你的父母明天要去旅行,你到李明家去请他帮忙,可是他不在家,请你给他留言,请他帮你做以下几件事请:1.喂狗,一天两次2.喂金鱼,并且别忘了给金鱼换水3.喂猫,并且不要让猫把金鱼吃掉
Hello,Li Ming
Well,I'm going to travel for a few days with my parents, so there is nobody in my home to look after my house, I think I need you to help me take care of my house.
Here are the things you should do:
First, you should feed the dog. You need to offer its three healthy meals every day, so that it can keep fit.
Then, you should also feed the goldfish, the fish food is in the corner of the kitchen, you just need to feed them once a day. Don't forget to change the water every day, it's not good for fish to live in a dirty water.
The last thing you should do is feeding the cat. Give it enough food and keep it away from the goldfish. You know it loves eating fish.
Anyway please make everything in normal. I hope to see a clean and tidy house when I come back home.
Well,I'm going to travel for a few days with my parents, so there is nobody in my home to look after my house, I think I need you to help me take care of my house.
Here are the things you should do:
First, you should feed the dog. You need to offer its three healthy meals every day, so that it can keep fit.
Then, you should also feed the goldfish, the fish food is in the corner of the kitchen, you just need to feed them once a day. Don't forget to change the water every day, it's not good for fish to live in a dirty water.
The last thing you should do is feeding the cat. Give it enough food and keep it away from the goldfish. You know it loves eating fish.
Anyway please make everything in normal. I hope to see a clean and tidy house when I come back home.
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