早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
What re u doing when u're asked to work overtime?文章内容正面一些的哈
What re u doing when u're asked to work overtime?文章内容正面一些的哈
Nobody likes to work overtime, but there sometimes your company will need you to do so. First of all, as our traditional Chinese value, company or group's interest is the priority. Also, you will be paid more for working overtime, so the extra income is attractive to many of us. If we don't have anything originally booked after work, we should accept the requirement for working overtime. However,if we have appointments booked before we are noticed to work overtime, we should refuse the requirement because we need to keep our promises to other people as well.
Nobody likes to work overtime, but there sometimes your company will need you to do so. First of all, as our traditional Chinese value, company or group's interest is the priority. Also, you will be paid more for working overtime, so the extra income is attractive to many of us. If we don't have anything originally booked after work, we should accept the requirement for working overtime. However,if we have appointments booked before we are noticed to work overtime, we should refuse the requirement because we need to keep our promises to other people as well.
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