早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.这座间作物的通道太窄了,以至大火发生时,人们无法逃生.(break out) 2.只要你能一字不漏地把文章背下来,你才能掌握它的意思.(get the hang of) 3.现在最重要的是你选择你喜欢的学科.(用主语从句) 4.不要阻止我们进入球场.(prevent from)\ 5.Walking does need a bit of practice now that gravity has changed.
1.The exit of the room is so narrow that when the fire broke out nobody could get out.2.As long as you can recite the test without a word left,you can get the hang of it.3.What matters most now is that you should choose your favourite subject.4.Don't prevent me from entering the football field.5.由于引力改变了,行走起来还要多加练习.(这是我的翻译,不知道你是否满意,也许存在一些不好的地方,你斟酌一下吧,!)