早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
To keep leaves and other debris from entering a rooftop rainwater harvesting system, the gutters should have continuous leaf screens made out of onequarter-inch wire mesh screen in a metal frame or an equally efficient product covering the entire length of gutter. Installing leaf screens will help reduce a rainwater harvesting system’s maintenance, eliminate flammable material from the roof area,reduce mosquito breeding habitat,and eliminate the need for
frequent and potentially hazardous use of a ladder to clean the gutters.
To keep leaves and other debris from entering a rooftop rainwater harvesting system, the gutters should have continuous leaf screens made out of onequarter-inch wire mesh screen in a metal frame or an equally efficient product covering the entire length of gutter. Installing leaf screens will help reduce a rainwater harvesting system’s maintenance, eliminate flammable material from the roof area,reduce mosquito breeding habitat,and eliminate the need for
frequent and potentially hazardous use of a ladder to clean the gutters.
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