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跪求英语高手修改错误语法 3
In practice middle,crime of forcible seizure behaviour having different form ,bring certain difficulty ,union our country reality,to certain difficulty ,union our country reality the judgement putting the blame on quality as a result,the main body of a book will commit a crime composing ,setting mind on and inflicting punishment on the analysis being in progress on the crime of forcible seizure concept.Make every effort to let everybody have a all-round ,limpid acquaintance to crime of forcible seizure.
Make a comparative study on the differences of styles of business negotiation between between China and the United States,and we can find that the formation of a negotiating style may be caused by many factors.There is no doubt that culture is one of the most important aspect.From the cross-cultural perspective (或者:From the perspective in Inter-culture) ,this paper discusses the cultural factors behind two styles of negotiation so as to make a further discussion over the differences of styles (of business negotiation 可以省略)between Sino-American businessmen.It can be concluded that the existing differences (of styles of business negotiation 可以省略)are essentially caused by the differences of cultural backgrounds between China and the United States.The different styles are mainly manifested as:negotiating strategies,decisions of negotiation and the goals of negotiation.
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