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求一篇题为owning a car英文议论文,字数120左右
owning a car
Now as we are getting richer,more and more people are buying personal cars.I think owning a car can make it easy for people to go out and a car is much more comfortable than buses,bikes and motorbikes.But a car will do harm to the environment and if more and more people have cars,the street will be very busy all the time,it's difficult for people to go across the road,and the more cars,the more accidents.So when choosing a car,you should consider if you really need a car.仅供参考哦,若有愚昧、错误之处请给与指点,
Now as we are getting richer,more and more people are buying personal cars.I think owning a car can make it easy for people to go out and a car is much more comfortable than buses,bikes and motorbikes.But a car will do harm to the environment and if more and more people have cars,the street will be very busy all the time,it's difficult for people to go across the road,and the more cars,the more accidents.So when choosing a car,you should consider if you really need a car.仅供参考哦,若有愚昧、错误之处请给与指点,
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