早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
It operated by measuring the height of the Sun and the fixed stars:by calculating the angles created by these points,it determined the degree of latitude at which one stood这为什么是并列复合,冒号的作用?
It operated by measuring the height of the Sun and the fixed stars:by calculating the angles created by these points,it determined the degree of latitude at which one stood这为什么是并列复合,冒号的作用?
第一句 It operated by measuring the height of the Sun and the fixed stars
It 主语,operated谓语 by measuring the height of the Sun and the fixed stars 方式状语
第二句 by calculating the angles created by these points,it determined the degree of latitude at which one stood
by calculating the angles created by these points方式状语,it 主语,determined 谓语 the degree of latitude宾语 at which one stood定语从句
第一句 It operated by measuring the height of the Sun and the fixed stars
It 主语,operated谓语 by measuring the height of the Sun and the fixed stars 方式状语
第二句 by calculating the angles created by these points,it determined the degree of latitude at which one stood
by calculating the angles created by these points方式状语,it 主语,determined 谓语 the degree of latitude宾语 at which one stood定语从句
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