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莫说青山多障碍 don't be afraid of the barriers set by mountains
风也急风也劲 the wind is strong and intense
白云过山峰也可传情 the cloud can express its affection when it flys over the peak.
莫说水中多变幻 don't be surprised by the variety in the water.
水也清水也静 the water is so pure and still
柔情似水爱共永 the love is just as enternal as the water
未怕罡风吹散了热爱 don't worry that the wind blow away the love
万水千山总是情 both the water and the mountains represent the love
聚散也有天注定 it is God's will to determine whether we come or go
不怨天不怨命 so don't complain
但求有山水共作证just pray that our affection can be witnessed by the mountains and rivers.