早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


IS is Sunday today . the weather is fine . Bob and Jane are in the park . It is a big park . They can see many people there . They come here to have a rest after a week'a hard work and study .Some boys are playing football on the grass .Some girls are singing and dancing .An old woman is reading a newspaper under a tall tree .A young man and his little son are playing with a toy car .How happy they are!
( )1.The weather is very good on Sunday.
( )2.Bob and Jane go to the park to work and study.
( )3.A young woman and her little son are piaying with a toy car.
( )4.A lot of people are playing football on grass.
( )5.All the people in the park look very happy.
( T )1.The weather is very good on Sunday.
(F )2.Bob and Jane go to the park to work and study.
( F )3.A young woman and her little son are piaying with a toy car.
( F )4.A lot of people are playing football on grass.
( T )5.All the people in the park look very happy.认真看下原文就能做出来,
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