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"对唱歌比赛的看法" 英语作文
Singing competition is a wonderful thing that we can show ourselves and what we want to say,to express in public.By participating such a game,we can get more encouragement and self-confidance so that it will be very useful for our future.A person who is active could get more chances than those who are always too shy to explain what is in their mind.So a singing competition is a nice platform for those who want to get rid of the fear to yell and show.
Of course,it is a magic box from which lots of potential singers rise to fame.We all enjoy the well-matched melody and voice.And in the competitions,we can hear the songs without the sense of commerce,but the voice from inside of the singers such as happiness,sorrows,dream and so on. Whatever,singing competition is a kind of great amusements for our daily life.In general,it is a pure entertainment.
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