早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.Excuse / move?/not see the board.
Sorry / see now?
2.Sorry /turn the stereo up?/ not hear it.
Sure / a big quite
3.sorry /turn the light on / not see the writing very well.
Sure / a big dark /better?
Yes thanks.
4.Sorry / help us?/look for a restaurant called La Mancha.
Yes/ in Thames Road .
shou us / map?
Of course
1. Excuse / move? /not see the board.
Sorry / see now?
-Excuse me, can you move? I can't see the board.
-Sorry. Can you see now?
2. Sorry /turn the stereo up? / not hear it.
Sure / a big quite
-Sorry, could turn the stereo up? I can not hear it.
-Sure. It is a big quite.
3.sorry /turn the light on / not see the writing very well.
Sure / a big dark /better?
Yes thanks.
-Sorry, could you turn the light on? I can not see the writing very well.
-Sure. It is a big dark. Better?
-Yes, thanks.
4.Sorry / help us? /look for a restaurant called La Mancha.
Yes/ in Thames Road .
shou us / map?
Of course
-Sorry, can you help us? We are looking for a restaurant called La Mancha.
-Yes, it is in Thames Road .
-Could you show us on the map?
-Of course.
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