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Poetry is a different with other forms of literature.A good poem may be can change one’s whole life in a short time.Actually,poetry has a great influence on me.When I first read a poem called S,written by W.I couldn’t help loving this poem because within such single words can tell the essence of life,and comfortable feelings come from rhythm Without doubt,I learned a lot from that poem,such as how to write a high level poem using an effective way.In addition,poetry is a form of art.That provide me an opportunity to put into my soul to appreciate art,finally,I could catch the mood of beauty when I write a poem.
Poetry is different from other forms of literature.A good poem may change one’s whole life in a short time.Actually,poetries have a great influence on me.When I first read a poem called S,written by W.I couldn’t help loving this poem because within such single words it can tell the essence of life,and the comfortable feelings come from rhythm Without doubt,I learned a lot from that poem,such as how to write a high level poem in an effective way.In addition,poetry is a form of art.That provide me an opportunity to put into my soul to appreciate art,finally,I could catch the mood of beauty when I write a poem.
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