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1.The director valued the actor not so much for his broad commercial appeal 【as for his passionate and intelligent approach to every role】.
括号部分为什么不能是 as for him approaching every role passionately and intelligently?
2.The works of the innovative and reclusive sculptor Marisol Escobar attracted considerable attention during the early 1960s,a time when the public craved artistic novelty and critics {focus on } the personal lives of artists.
第一句 整句 not so much for .as for .
这两个for后面的部分 应当尽量保持一致
前面说 for his ...appeal
后面说 for his ...approach
从for .这个单独的部分来说 你的说法没有错 完全可以
但是原句中 前后应当保持一致
第二句 还是要整体上来看
when引导后面的从句中 两个分句用and连接 and后面的句子是 critics focused on .
同样与and前面的分句 时态一致
解释比较匆忙 重点在于前后分句时态结构应当一致